Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The Bannu Frontier Region had been administered through the deputycommissioner with the district officer Frontier Constablary Daryoba asassistant political agent for the Ahmadzais and the political tehsildarfor the Utmanzais wazirs and Bhittanis. However, in 1976 a separatepost of assistant political agent was sanctioned for the entire tribalarea under the administrative control of the deputy commissioner,Bannu. The Bannu Frontier Region is the federally administered tribalareas and all the financial liabilities for economic development andgeneral administration, are borne by the federal government. Thedistrict coordination officer (the defunct deputy commissioner office)Bannu is actively supported by the Frontier Constabulary in addition toKhasadars engaged for political administration. The affairs of FR Bannuare largely regulated through for essentially involving Jirga system.Besides FCR, most of the cases of Bannu FR areas are decided by thelocal laws (Riwaj) and Shariat.

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