The people of Bannu are known as Banizi, the main language of Bannu is Pashto. Nearly 85-90% of the population are ethnic Pashtuns.Syed and Akhundon (call themselves as Qureshi, originally derived fromArabic "Akhun" meaning brother) castes are also living in Bannu, thoughtheir origin is not known. They are probably the descendants of Arabspeaking people or religious people. Local people has given them landsas gifts for their religious services.There also live members of the Awan tribe (called Hindki by thelocals). The Pushtoons are at loggerheads with the Awans as the laterare the only group in the area who are not willing to accept thesuperiority of the pashtuns. The Chief of Hindkis, Sher Ghani of ParezKali, Surrani was a fearsome guy. He had a reputation of un-subdueablein the area. He was brutally killed by his peasants along with all hisclose male relatives in Bannu District Courts while they were attendinghearing of their murder case.
Bannu is called Bana and Bani Gul in the local Pashto language. The population consists of native-born called Banizi, Wazirs (that have migrated from Waziristan), Marwats, and Khattaks ans Niazi.A number of people are of Pertani origin like Fatma Khel, Namwar Khel,Kot Barar, Daim Kala, Khishni Kala, Beli Kala, Hindkiye Kala, etc.There are many people living in Bannu who are immigrants like Qazi [Sokari & Fatima Khel migrated to Bannu from Arab via Bukhara (Uzbakistan)] Khattak, Afridi, Marwat, Kashmiris.It is also to be noted that after the partition hundreds of famillesmigrated form Hindustan and settled in Bannu. They are called by thelocal people panahgazeen or Mahajirs (immigrants). Mirzali Khel(basically Masid) migrated to Bannu from Afghanistan and settled inMandan Area (Joji Kella, Sala Khan, Emaro, Badda, Zalam and GhreyiKella).
Bannu district is divided into many geographical areas. These areSurani, Mamashh Khel, Amandi, Mandan, Kaki, Bharat, Haved, Hinjal,Sokari, Meera Khel, Gheriwol, Nor, Naurang, Jhandi Khel, Dabak,Gembatai, Domel, Beezan Khel, Bannu Bazar, Bannu Cantt, Bannu Town,Esaki Sheikhan,The Great Nurar etc.
(By Posted at Bannu gul)
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